Yes, Dragons. One of my favorite subjects to draw. ^_^ Lately, they've all I've been drawing, thanks to a couple of "How to Draw" books that got me inspired. My dragons needed an upgrade anyway. :P
A pencil sketch of a dragon that I finished off in Photoshop. It started out as just an example for my tutoree (a professor at the college I'm going to, which is kinda awkward) but I liked the way it was coming together so much that I finished it. I've affectionately named him Skarrgle. :D
Another inked dragon finished in Photoshop. I've decided to call him Wally, for some reason or another. XD
These were all seperate sketches actually, brought together in Photoshop on a faux parchment-like background. I'm sure you recognize Skarrgle, here. I'd like to do a color version of the middle dragon too, at some point.