Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Revision and a Newcomer

A couple more dragoniod pieces to add to the pile. ^_^
I went back to Wally and totally re-did his background. The giant pink lily wasn't really working at all- I liked it, but it over-powered Wally too much. So, I instead did some layering of some recent photos I took over at Milham Park with a cutout filter on them. Those yellow flowers took forever, just because I couldn't figure out any other way to remove them from their grassy background other than carefully erasing around them. -_-
They look good though. I like the triadic color scheme I've achieved with this new incarnation (me n' my fancy artistic expressions). The background is interesting but also allows Wally to shine. :)
The second is what I've dubbed an Orm. I realize that "orm" is one of the many titles used in place of the word "dragon" for the same creature (mainly in ye old England and Scandinavia, methinks), including "wyrm", "worm", and "hornwyrm".
But I thought it'd be interesting if an orm was a subspecies of dragon, same with say, a wyvern, a hornwyrm, a firedrake, a drake, etc.
"Orm" has kind of an earthy feel to it, at least to me, and reminds me most of an earthworm. So I went with a subterranean dragon, using several tunneling/digging creatures as inspiration (naked mole rats, moles, earthworms, pangolin, armadillo, etc.). I threw in some insect-like attributes too, just to accentuate the "earthworm" theme.
Hence, we end up with this. It looks pretty alien doesn't it? XD
I'm not entirely happy with it's back legs, but the head detail makes up for it. :D I'm thinkin' about doing a head study with one of these so I can get in a lot closer.

1 comment:

  1. The lighting and shadow on that second piece is amazing! This is one of my favorite pieces to date ^.^
