Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Revision and a Newcomer

A couple more dragoniod pieces to add to the pile. ^_^
I went back to Wally and totally re-did his background. The giant pink lily wasn't really working at all- I liked it, but it over-powered Wally too much. So, I instead did some layering of some recent photos I took over at Milham Park with a cutout filter on them. Those yellow flowers took forever, just because I couldn't figure out any other way to remove them from their grassy background other than carefully erasing around them. -_-
They look good though. I like the triadic color scheme I've achieved with this new incarnation (me n' my fancy artistic expressions). The background is interesting but also allows Wally to shine. :)
The second is what I've dubbed an Orm. I realize that "orm" is one of the many titles used in place of the word "dragon" for the same creature (mainly in ye old England and Scandinavia, methinks), including "wyrm", "worm", and "hornwyrm".
But I thought it'd be interesting if an orm was a subspecies of dragon, same with say, a wyvern, a hornwyrm, a firedrake, a drake, etc.
"Orm" has kind of an earthy feel to it, at least to me, and reminds me most of an earthworm. So I went with a subterranean dragon, using several tunneling/digging creatures as inspiration (naked mole rats, moles, earthworms, pangolin, armadillo, etc.). I threw in some insect-like attributes too, just to accentuate the "earthworm" theme.
Hence, we end up with this. It looks pretty alien doesn't it? XD
I'm not entirely happy with it's back legs, but the head detail makes up for it. :D I'm thinkin' about doing a head study with one of these so I can get in a lot closer.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Gettin' Emotional

Another two emotion pieces, based on roughs from a previous class.

The first one is titled "Frustration", and I can definitely feel it emanating from it. This is the second attempt at this particular one and I'm glad I didn't just go with the method I was going to use. See, in the original two I traced the line work in Illustrator, using the brushes therein to create different line qualities- I also did that on the second set. When I started "Frustration" the first time I was just using a tablet to trace the line work and the results were just plain sloppy.

Today while on campus downtown I took a few minutes to use Illustrator for the line work- definitely a big difference.

The second and third are the same piece, "Creativity", one with the color layer turned off. I finished it off with the circles and swirls colored, but went and turned them off out of curiosity and was intrigued with the result. I like it both ways. ^_^ I'm going to have to go back and adjust the glowing circle, though. The fact that it's almost off the edge of the format throws the piece off a bit.

9/14/10 - Speaking of fixing it- here it is! ^_^

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Wolfdrake Challenge

Here's another couple pieces using the wolfdrake (a different sketch this time). I challenged myself to try to take the colored sketch, place it in an environment, and make it seem like it belongs there. I think I accomplished that pretty well with the night scene, but I'm still a bit unsure on the daytime.

One of these days I'll go back and fiddle with it some more. ^_^

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

It's a Character Bonanza!

Yes, yet more random characters. XD They seem to be what's drawing me lately (lol pun!), so I've obediently followed my whimsey's guidance. Plus, I love giving myself more opportunities to use some of my own photos for backgrounds. ;) My random picture-taking days in the park weren't a waste after all!
First up is Willow- my elf character- who's supposed to be adjusting her bracer when something catches her attention...
Her eyes ended up being a bit bigger than I intended... XD
And I'm not quite sure about the position of the hand that's doing the adjusting- it seems a bit too delicate a gesture for her personality... I may go back and change it some time in the future.
The second is another portrait of Fiona, this time with a background. Something is really irking me about her face...
It might just be her headband- it makes it look like she has a huge forehead. XD
I'll probably come back to this one too.

Monday, September 6, 2010

More Characters

Here's a couple more character related pieces.
The first is Ruubi again- you'll recognize the upper portrait from an earlier post. I decided to finish off her whole page. ^_^ You'll be seeing more of her and her family shortly. ;)
And the second is a portrait of Fiona Vaeleno, the Satyr. Its pulled off of a character page similar to Ruubi's- though I don't really like the way the other portrait came out on it and I'm not totally happy with Fiona's figure position. So that one won't be finished in it's entirety. XD I might whip together a character page with separate drawings instead, though. I've got another pic of her coming up too.
I was a busy, busy bee today. @.@ I finished off four drawings all while half watching Destination Truth and Star Wars. Kinda ended up with a headache from it, but I'm glad I finally just got to have a drawing day.
Starting tomorrow I'm gonna have a full plate though. o.o The fall semester is already here!

Friday, September 3, 2010

A Relapse of Dragonitis

Well, it appears I've relapsed. XD ...Kind of, anyway. This isn't a true dragon, though. Only part. XD

This is a creature I've created for the world my novel is set in- a wolfdrake. It's based off of an animal from heraldry, I think. I came across it in one of my fantastical creature books and thought it would make for an interesting (and ferocious) addition. So, I've been trying to come up with the right combination of both wolf-like and dragon-like features ever since. I wanted to keep the fur, since it lives in regions where snowy winters are regular and it would probably be to it's advantage to be warm during those months. XD

I've got two pics here with different backgrounds- one with just a red, rough texture, and the other with a nighttime forest scene. The forest is actually a photo I'd taken on a walk though a nature preserve last fall with its colors tweaked and with a "cutout" filter on it.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

A Couple of Characters...

Here's a couple more characters- human characters. ^_^

There's a portrait of Ruubi. It's part of a larger drawing (which is actually on my Reoccurring Characters page) which I plan on finishing up a bit at a time. XD I'd like to finish some colored versions of all my characters at some point...

The second is Jasmine, who's the daughter of Landon and Dahlia. I've tried drawing her in this pose dozens of times - I like the pose apparently- and I think I finally got the feel I've been trying to achieve. Not much going on in the background- another "thrown in at the last minute" one.