Saturday, October 30, 2010

Life Drawing

It's been a while since I've posted anything here... I've been so busy with classes that I haven't been creating much of anything personal (I've got some projects planned for my Portfolio class in particular, though nothing's come to fruition quite yet) but here's a few pieces from my Life Drawing class. One of them *is* technically naked, but you can't really see anything. Except maybe her booty. XD
The black n' white pieces are done with charcoal, the rainbowish figure was done in ink and pastel, and the two real-life colored pieces are charcoal and pastel.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Minotaur Revision (Finally!)

Yes! It's finally completed! :D
I finally finished the revised version of the third piece in the Minotaur series. Granted, it was more or less a portfolio class project (I wanted to fix the series before sticking in my final portfolio), but still, I finally did it. ^_^

I went back and looked at some of my old thumbnails, and decided on the re-do from there. I hadn't originally taken this one into the rough stage, but I felt this one had more potential. It squeezes in more of the events taking place in this part of the myth. (Plus, I'm a lot happier with the way the characters turned out this time. ^_^)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

A Skarrgly Update

Yesh! I re-did Skarrgle's background. ^_^ The whole scene with the cave entrance just wasn't doing it for me, so the other day I fiddled around and gave him a new scene (or lack of one) to be sitting in.

I suppose since he's more or less a spot illustration, it makes it hard to throw him in the middle of a scene and have it make sense. Either that, or I'm just too lazy to think of a scene for him. XD